Saturday, 2 July 2016

( MY DAYS IN UMUNYA CAMP series episode 1 ) A Smile With A Stranger

A smile with a stranger,
It was not so strange
photo credit: google 
But it was so sincere,
The beauty that we could share
Under the blistering sun
In the land of the shining light.
My stranger
I don't long to know you
But that smile you shared with me

photo credit: google

I will forever cherish,
It wasn't your beauty
But it was the brotherhood in it.
The love you shared
When the stress was high
My stranger across the Niger
I love you
Even though I don't know you.


  1. The love from a stranger was derr, bt some of the being in ur attire b4 u find ursef in d same attire have display a bad character. So be careful of what s behind those smiles. It cld be cruel

  2. true but it was a passing smile.....thanks for reading
