Sunday 17 July 2016


They say black is beautiful
Yet they mock her
They say, see that monkey
Yet we are to believe in ourselves
They say we are the future
Yet they are eating away the present
They say so black so beautiful
Yet they don't show us love
They say "oh why is she changing her pigment?"
Yet they never saw her before
They say she doesn't have confidence
Yet they never praised her
They themselves are black
Yet they never see the beauty in it
Why should we?

Saturday 2 July 2016


The landscape might escape you
If you concentrate on the gallops
But the beauty is unmistakable,
The people so foreign
Their smiles protected
The beauty is obvious in itself
But their suffering
Is worn on them like a medal.
Many of them have known
No other life.
So they know nothing about
Suffering and smiling
Just suffering and living
Most of us the visitors are so
Oblivious of their livelihood.
Here the true meaning of humanity shows
Because here,
It is humanity that is so humane,
It is
At its most natural state,
Everything here you appreciate a little more,
The realness is almost impossible.
To my friends across the Niger
That accepted a fat boy from the West.
I say daalu.

( MY DAYS IN UMUNYA CAMP series episode 1 ) A Smile With A Stranger

A smile with a stranger,
It was not so strange
photo credit: google 
But it was so sincere,
The beauty that we could share
Under the blistering sun
In the land of the shining light.
My stranger
I don't long to know you
But that smile you shared with me

photo credit: google

I will forever cherish,
It wasn't your beauty
But it was the brotherhood in it.
The love you shared
When the stress was high
My stranger across the Niger
I love you
Even though I don't know you.

Sunday 6 September 2015



Playing out there in the sun
Lets take a little time to celebrate
The grass may not be greener
But its green
The tea is hot
So is the pot
In fact we should really laugh
Cos its not so easy
But we are still here breezing in
And out daily
So I say take a selfie
Don't be selfish
Add a friend or two
Find time in no time to hang out
Be grateful to whoever you serve
Be honest to whatever you believe in
Who knows,
You might never make it
But I know you could to be happy
Cos we all
Won't make it out alive!

Saturday 5 September 2015


A young boy in a big City.
He came with his dreams
But we all have dreams
He never knew what the sea tastes like
The city has no manual
But he was a dreamer
With the skill set of a labourer.
Big dreams ,big heart
No money , just believe.
Before he knew it
He was swimming with the sharks
Even though he had never been in a river
But he was a survivor
So he took the lungs of the weak
And made a boat out of it
His smile went away
And came back cold
He learnt the rules of the big city
Then he made his own rules
And broke bones.
Best believe he made it in the big city
He was the big boss
He fired the top shots
He was feared and revered
But he lost his soul
He gained the world
And boy, was the profit flying in!
He had money ,he had style
And most of all he had power.
But then the city became small
Because a city is only big
When you don't own it,
The boy from the town
Became the centre of the city.
And that was the fire that consumed him!

Sunday 7 June 2015


Letting it out hurts 
The hurt I can't explain, 
 The pain is real, 
The blood is a cloth. 
The history of the story, 
Is a story itself, 
So lets go little by little into the dark. 
A black heart doesn't mean 
There isn't love in it. 
A snick peek won't capture this moment 
A heart is crying 
The tears are in blood 
The eyes can't understand that 
Only if it has Ebola 
À gbe ebo ka ìgún la  
But see am not a liar. 
The plot thickens 
I find words 
But after seeing them 
I realised, I have to thank Allah for life. 
Cos no matter where life takes me 
I always meet gold 
And I have never believed in black diamonds 
They are too sleazy. 
A tribute to those I love 
The ones who have loved me and still do 
I say thank you. 
But my SELF love is still not enough 
So to myself, I say sorry 
If you are not me  
You will not understand this 
But I would like to share, 
But the size is too heavy, 
The weight of my thought that is, 
I will look back now 
And see a heart has been dropped here, 
The love the heart has given, taken and shared 
Has kept it in use. 
This not a poem, story nor song. 
Its the words I whisper that you never hear. 
Tho I think my heart will heal 
But until then I will keep loving you, you and you. 
                          P.S from the heart of a fool